Algerian Workers Achieve 100% Pass Rate In First Ever NEBOSH Health And Safety At Work Course

British Safety Services (BSS) have just delivered ONE of the first ever NEBOSH Award in Workplace Safety and Health, (Level 2) in Algeria - and achieved an amazing 100 per cent pass rate.

The Health and Safety at Work course was given by Birmingham-based BSS in conjunction with an oil industry training company, Stirling.

The course was run at the Red Med base in Hassi Messaoud Algeria, where fifteen delegates from various oil companies attended. The oil company managers are keen to meet international safety standards and safeguard the safety of Algerian workers.

Pat McLoughlin, Managing Director of BSS said: “We are delighted with the excellent 100 per cent pass rate results and to be working in Algeria on the delivery of their first ever NEBOSH course.
BSS also piloted this course in Libya as well.

Mr McLoughlin added: “ We hope our successes in these countries heralds the way towards our raising the standard of health and safety training even higher in North Africa.

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